Payment Deadlines:
- 2% Discount if Received by November 1
- Face Amount if Received by December 31
- 5% Penalty if Received by January 31
- 21% Penalty if Received after January 31
The next tax sale will be on August, 2024. Anyone wanting to purchase bills at the tax sale must be a Registered Third Party Purchaser with the State of Kentucky. For more information on how to become a Third Party Purchaser, click here. The cutoff date for payment of school taxes by the customer will be 4 business days prior to the sale.
Purchasers must follow the rules and statutes set forth by the State of Kentucky when buying a delinquent tax bill, here are those rules and statutes.
Those that meet the requirements listed above and ARE NOT registering for the Taylor County Clerk's delinquent tax sale will need to register with the Campbellsville Independent Tax Collector and pay the registration fee of $250. You may register by calling Melissa Dooley at (270) 465-3867 or email your information to If you are registered with the Taylor County Clerk for the county sale, then there is no need to register with the Campbellsville Independent Tax Collector.
The Campbellsville Independent Delinquent Tax Sale will take place immediately following the Taylor County Delinquent Tax sale at the Taylor County Courthouse on the second floor in the old courtroom.
PRIORITY PURCHASES: If you are a Registered Third Party Purchaser and purchased tax bills at our sale last year, you will have first option to "priority" purchase the same parcel this year (if it is delinquent) by sending an email with the parcel / map # and location of the delinquent bill prior to the tax sale to Melissa Dooley, Tax Collector for CISD so the bill can be pulled prior to the sale. The Third-Party Purchaser who bought the most recent bill will have first option on "priority" purchases.
After the close of the sale, the years prior to 2023 may be purchased by anyone wishing to do so. You would need to come into the office of the Campbellsville Independent Tax Collector located in the Taylor County Courthouse on the first floor to make those purchases.
Once the sale is complete, the remaining tax bills (any and all years) that did not get purchased may be bought by anyone regardless of their registration's status with the State of Kentucky, but they must abide by the rules and statutes as stated above.
It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to prepare the tax lien, present and pay the Taylor County Clerk for the filing of the lien in order to secure a lien on the property.
A title search is the responsibility of the third-party tax purchaser, the list may include some protected properties that the school may not be aware of, so make sure to protect your investment.
CISD Tax Collector
Taylor County Courthouse
203 N. Court St.
Campbellsville, KY 42718